How To Prepare For Your First Appointment.

Thanks for scheduling an appointment! We’re excited to meet you. Here’s what you can do to prepare.


You’ve made the decision to seek professional help with your finances. Congratulations! This is a huge step in the right direction.

Now comes your next step: preparing for your first appointment with a wealth management firm. You might be asking yourself questions like:

  • What should I bring?
  • What questions should I ask?
  • How can you make the most of this meeting?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to prepare for your first Progress Wealth Management appointment. 

We’ll cover what to expect, what to bring, and how to make the most of your meeting. So read on and get ready to take control of your financial future!

What to Bring to Your First Appointment

When you come in for your first appointment with Progress Wealth Management, there are a few things you should bring with you.

First, bring any paperwork or documentation that you think might be helpful in providing an overview of your financial situation that’s related to your questions that are immediately top of mind. This might include tax returns, insurance declaration pages, pay stubs, bank statements, and investment account statements.

Second, it’s helpful to come prepared with a list of questions or topics you’d like to discuss. This will help ensure that you get the most out of your meeting.

Finally, don’t forget to bring a notepad and pen so you can take notes during the meeting!

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

When you come in for your first appointment with Progress Wealth Management, we’ll sit down with you and get to know you and your financial goals. 

We’ll ask you questions about your current financial situation, your investment experience, and your risk tolerance. 

We will also ask about your short-term and long-term financial goals. After we have gathered all of this information, we will put together a custom financial plan that is tailored to help you reach your specific goals.

Questions You May Want To Ask Progress Wealth Management

1. What are your qualifications and experience in financial planning?

2. What is your approach to financial planning?

3. What services do you offer?

4. How do you charge for your services?

5. What is your investment philosophy?

6. What experience do you have with investing?

7. What are your thoughts on risk tolerance and portfolio diversification?

We’ve answered these in our FAQs, here but we’re happy to go more in detail and ensure you feel comfortable and confident knowing what to expect. 

What Happens Next

Following our first appointment, you’ll know:

  • What you need to do prior to our next appointment.
  • What problems exist in your financial plan and their impact on your future.
  • The value of taking our advice.


We understand that meeting with a wealth management firm for the first time can be daunting. Don’t worry; we try to make this as simple as we can for you. 

At Progress Wealth Management, we want to make sure you feel comfortable and informed about your finances as well as how collaborating with us could benefit you and what it’ll cost you before moving forward.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to prepare for your first appointment with us. We hope that by reading this article and collaborating with us, you’ll feel confident and ready for our appointment knowing what to expect. 

Haven’t Scheduled Your First Appointment With Progress Wealth Management? That’s okay.

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